Monthly Archives: September 2014

Adventures with you….

Sitting in the airport as I’m about to get on the plane, and I wish you were with me. I wish you could have the amazing opportunity to fly and travel as a little one. And you will. I just wish you were here for this trip.

I really need you to be with me soon. And maybe right now isn’t the right time, because daddy just found a puppy (and for anyone who has a puppy, that’s newborn like enough!) and she’s taking up most of our time. It’s kind of adorable, seeing daddy all sleepy because he was up all night with the puppy. And knowing one day he’s going to have the same tired, yet blissful feeling again.

I love you already and all you are is a thought.


This may seem like a blog for someone who is pregnant and writing to their fetus, but no. You’re wrong there.

This blog is simply for me, for my future child, and every thought in between.

It’s been rough on me casually trying to get pregnant and nothing happening, so I needed an outlet, you know?

Sometimes you just wanna talk to your babies you haven’t even conceived. It sounds insane, but only those trying to get pregnant would understand.

This blog is for my highs and lows. And hopefully (eventually) you’ll see me post a positive pregnancy test. Bump pictures. And if I’m really lucky, pictures of a baby. My baby.